Adrian Cannon, Director situated in Farnham shares his own experience of lockdown, along with his thoughts on the current property market.
At the beginning of lockdown, how did you find working from home?
“Initially it was extremely strange. Having not worked from home for almost 22 years as an Estate Agent, it was strange not to have the support from the rest of the team and the camaraderie between us. As Lockdown continued, I began to get use to working remotely. It got a little easier when we managed to get the internet working properly and I also had the support of Bean the dog!”
And, how has it been being back in the Farnham office?
Now we are back in, it almost feels like it was in January. It’s difficult not having the full team back as yet, however, Daryl, Rob, Rebecca and I are working hard to get the business back on track with high valuations, instruction and sales numbers.
What are your thoughts on the current property market?
Super busy! We’ve experienced high valuation, instruction and sales numbers. Incoming and outgoing calls are at an all time high. Our stock levels are almost the highest that they have ever been in 11 years.
What is one positive thing to come out of lockdown for you?
People generally being nicer to each other and are certainly appreciating everything we do for them.
Are you looking to sell or let your home? Or maybe you’re just looking for some honest and accurate advice? Contact your local Bourne office today.