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Bourne Raises Over £2300 for 7 local Charities

On Saturday, some of Bourne’s staff cycled over 100 miles in a bid to raise money for 7 local charities. Starting from Esher, Dominic and Sarah started their Journey on a high note, reaching the Woking office in record breaking time. As the day went on the challenge became more gruelling, however, with the support of local residents, customers and other staff members, they managed to stay on track and in the end raised over £2300.00 for the 7 fantastic causes.

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Daniel Matlby, one of the cyclists said “What a fantastic day working as a support rider for Dominic and Sarah. It was clear that everyone in each office and the company were working together to achieve something great. We are clearly an organisation that pulls together and steps up to the mark when called upon, I am certainly proud to have been a part of it.”

The seven charities Bourne chose to support are Alton FoodBank, Shooting Star Children’s Hospice, Surrey Wildlife Trust, Phyllis Tuckwell Hospice, The Meath Epilepsy Charity, Princess Alice Hospice, The Rosemary Foundation; all incredible charities, that do amazing work for their local communities.

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A massive well done to everyone involved and we’d like to take this opportunity to thank all of our customers and local residents for supporting us!

If you would like to donate, you can do so via our JustGiving page.

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  • Week Commencing 16th September 2024

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